Kat Tancock
Kiva Volunteer of the Month, May 2015
"I've been a Kiva member/funder for years. I really appreciate the microfinance model both functionally as a way to get money out to people who need it and in terms of marketing and getting donors engaged."
City: Toronto, Canada
Language: Russian
Team: Russiva
Time with Kiva: 1 year, 8 months
Outstanding Contributions to Kiva: Kat has been very communicative and active on the Russian Board of the Forum providing valuable knowledge to other translators. She is very consistent with over 630 loans reviewed which averages over one everyday since joining.
Wendy Harris
Kiva Volunteer of the Month, June 2015
“It’s helping out, but I also get something out of it. I don’t often discuss the ins and outs of poultry in Nicaragua... “
City: St. Paul, Minnesota
Language: Spanish
Team: Las Pirañas Kivanas
Time with Kiva: 1 year, 1 month
Outstanding Contributions to Kiva: Wendy is a fantastic volunteer with a very active presence on the Forum. Since joining only a mere year ago, she has already translated over 2500 loans. She regularly answers other volunteers’ questions and also encourages volunteers to be more active with their translation efforts.
Cindy Etchison
Kiva Volunteer of the Month, July 2015
“I try to think about a day-in-the-life of some of the borrowers, and think their day has consisted of many long hours trying to earn an existence. Our days are so varied with different kinds of activities. After reading a lot of the profiles it seems like borrowers are just constantly immersed and working, trying to survive.”
City: Greencastle, USA
Language: English
Team: The Loan Rangers
Time with Kiva: 1 year, 8 months
Outstanding Contributions to Kiva: Cindy has edited over 3800 loans. She is constantly active in the Volunteer Community. Cindy also had a chance to help a high school economics class get involved by becoming Kiva lenders.
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