Update from the Field: Going the distance in Pakistan and putting Kiva Zip together. Plus, a word on the Olympics.
August 6, 2012It’s once again time for an update from our Fellows in KF-18. This week we have three posts from four fellows, all of whom are busy learning from and making a difference in their respective assignments. From looking for potential Kiva Zip borrowers in Kenya, to crossing a wide swatch of the South Punjab region in order to visit clients, these fellows will do what it takes to get the job done. And best of all, they are willing to share their unique experiences with us all.
Alighting, Educating and Uplifting – Kiva Zip Trustees in Action
By Patrick Seeton & Muskan Chopra | KF18 | Kenya
This blog is meant to provide the reader with a little more background on exactly how the Kiva Zip program selects borrowers to be featured on this person-to-person lending site. Patrick Seeton and Muskan Chopra set out to meet some of the trustees who have been charged with selecting a worthy group of Kiva Zip borrowers in Kenya. Read on to find out more about Kiva Zip and about the people and communities it seeks to benefit.
The Olympics and Microfinance in the search for Identity
By Icaro Rebolledo| KF18 | Peru
Here, Icaro touches on the similarities between empowerment through microfinance defining personal identity and national identity being awakened by the Olympic games. An interesting and opportune comparison.
Pakistan: Remarkable women in remarkable places
By Anya Raza | KF18 | Pakistan
In this article, Anya takes us along one of her most laborious but rewarding experiences conducting borrower verifications. After attempting to travel 1,500 Km in three days in order to meet with seven borrowers, Anya recalls some of her most outstanding memories from this adventure for your reading pleasure.
Updates from the Past Month:
Kiva Products New and Old, Lender-Borrower Connections, and a Nice Glass of Cold Milk
Learning from adversity and environmentally-friendly stoves. Plus, more on Kiva Zip
Innovation, Vibrant Cities and Stories and Lessons from Borrowers
Client training in Mexico, saying “hello!” to Burkina Faso, + learn a little bit about Albania!
Plus, more pictures from the past week:
Alighting, Educating and Uplifting – Kiva Zip Trustees in Action →NEXT ARTICLE
New Field Partner: BRAC Pakistan goes where no microfinance has gone before →