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This Father's Day, remember: Amazing people don't just happen

June 12, 2012

We were browsing Pinterest this morning and stumbled across this pin:
It got me thinking about all the people who foster the dreams of those we call "amazing." Success is a collaboration between families, communities and society to give people the support and strength they need to fulfill their potential.

As 76 countries around the world prepare to celebrate Father's Day this Sunday, June 17, we would like to acknowledge some of the fathers on Kiva who work tirelessly to provide more opportunities for their children. After all, we have hundreds of fathers looking for Kiva funding for their households and small businesses every day. And not just fathers -- also men who provide for families and neighborhoods in a range of capacities.

This Father's Day, lend to a man and watch the ripple effect:

- Male education and employment are strong indicators of child health, education and future income.

- Educated men with stable incomes are more likely to share household work and care-giving with their partners, modeling gender equality for their children.

- Men who have financial opportunities don't have to migrate to find work, allowing them to stay with their children and avoid uprooting their families.

- Girls that grow up with male role models are less likely to marry early, give birth early, or expose themselves to sexually-transmitted diseases like HIV.

All of this data comes from an excellent report published by the United Nations on manhood, fatherhood and global development.

But you can see all of this in action on Kiva every day:

Abduvali's father taught him a love for animals and how to raise them. As he grew older and started his own family, his father gave him a dairy cow to help him earn an income. Now, he has expanded his business to two dairy cows and two calves. He dreams of starting his own farm and teaching his children how to care for and love animals too.

Vicente inherited land and a strong work ethic from his father. As a coffee grower, he applies the skills he learned as a young boy working with his family on the plantation and is now able to generate a good income to help support his wife and child.

Our borrower's often tell stories about fathers, mothers and communities who helped them get to where they are. But with the help of the global community, each of us is empowered in a new way to help support amazing people around the world.

Who helped foster your dreams? Tell us at blog@kiva.org.