“Team Tia – Loan Around the Globe” is a Kiva lending team dedicated to Tia, a nine-year old girl living in Murcia, Spain. Tia has been diagnosed with several illnesses including dilated cardiomyopathy, Graves Basedow disease, pulmonary arterial hypertension, and congestive heart failure.
Tia is a strong girl with a passion for helping others and has enjoyed supporting Kiva entrepreneurs around the globe. Kiva lenders have been inspired by her story and last May, they created “Team Tia” to show their support for her by helping Kiva entrepreneurs. To date, “Team Tia” has 273 members and has made 1265 loans totaling $34,150.
The Kiva community thanks Tia for her dedication to help alleviate poverty throughout the world and we are sending our very best wishes her way!
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