Ron grew up in Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island, Canada’s smallest province on the east coast. He graduated from Dentistry at Dalhousie University in Halifax and practiced for 25 years in Richmond, BC, on the west coast. Through the school of hard knocks he learned the importance of good business management and financial planning. That motivated him to learn more about these subjects. He took management seminars and received a certificate in financial planning from the Canadian Institute of Financial Planning. He retired from dentistry and started a consulting business helping individuals and small business owners with money management and financial planning. From 1999 to 2012 he was a director of a company (CDSPI) which provides financial solutions for dentists across Canada. He organizes and mentors a financial planning study group for people in his own community of Delta, B.C. Ron’s goal with this group and his clients is to empower them to be more financially responsible. This dovetails perfectly with Kiva’s mission to help people pull themselves up by their own boot straps. The Kiva fellowship is a great opportunity to apply this philosophy using his experience.