In my first week at Kiva’s rising-star field partner, AMK Cambodia, I was lucky enough to go on a two-day trip to the Kampong Cham province with the aim of meeting some Kiva clients and taking some photos for the AMK marketing department.
Over the 36 hours I took around 1500 photos – partly because Cambodians are super photogenic, and partly because 95% of my photos look as though Sambo the Phnom Penh elephant took them (he lacks opposable thumbs). With his eyes shut.
I made this short video of a loan being disbursed to the Sreymom Suong Group. They were pleased to become Kiva clients for the first time, even if it did mean having to pose for a photo or two. It’s not quite Tarantino, but it’s certainly in a similar ballpark.
'Below are some of my favourite photos from the trip, if you like them you can go to this flickr slideshow to see the rest.
To see more AMK loans that are currently fundraising on Kiva, go here
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