On the web since May of 2007, “Kiva Stories from the Field” reached a milestone on Thursday, November 10, 2011. The blog, produced entirely by Kiva Fellows, recorded its one millionth hit!
Since the program began, over 400 Kiva Fellows have served more than 185,000 hours in nearly 60 countries around the world as unpaid volunteers for Kiva. Fellows serve as Kiva’s eyes and ears on the ground, and are required to be flexible as they perform a variety of roles to benefit Kiva’s lenders, borrowers, and partners.
Although their other functions supporting partners and borrowers are better known, it is the Kiva Fellows blog that allows every member of the Kiva community to gain access to Kiva’s impactful work in the field on a day-to-day basis. With that access comes a deeper understanding of places we haven’t been (as well as places we have) and the vantage point to appreciate the impact of microlending in those environments. Most importantly, fellows open a window for us into the lives of Kiva’s borrowers and the tireless work of all the other individuals in the field that make this remarkable organization function.
While the blog gives fellows an audience for their thoughts and reflections on their experiences, we gain the greater gift. Through their writing we can all imagine ourselves working alongside them as poverty alleviation pioneers.
Last week I asked Kiva staff members to identify a few posts that they remember as having a significant impression on them. Here are a few of the posts that stood out:
“WWYD with 5 Lempiras?” by Sandra Pina, KF16, Honduras
“Why I Can’t Give Abozu My Camera”, Abby Gray, KF6, Togo
“Bad Roads, Interest Rates, and MFI Sustainability”, Meg Gray, KF9, Nicaragua
“This is Urban Poverty In Tajikistan”, Chris Paci, KF16, Tajikistan
“From Borrower to Branch Manager”, Karen Buxton, KF10, Liberia
“Contradictions, Complications, Juxtapositions, and Genocide”, Julie Ross, KF7, Rwanda
Which posts had an impression on you? Visit Kiva’s Facebook page to share your favorites with us!
Jacob Schultz
Manager, Kiva Fellows Program
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