Join us in welcoming our newest Field Partner, VisionFund Albania!
The microfinance arm of child hunger nonprofit World Vision International, VisionFund has three branches in Albania serving vulnerable and poor communities. Its mission: to improve child welfare by giving parents new opportunities and strengthening their communities. To accomplish this, the organization offers a range of loan products tailored to the needs of remote, under-served borrowers.
Albania is one of the poorest countries in Europe. Given its high unemployment rate and large rural population, the country's microfinance sector plays a critical role in supporting economic activity and boosting opportunity.
In particular, VisionFund strongly believes that microfinance should positively impact the lives of children. Thriving businesses enable families to feed the hearts, minds and bellies of the next generation.
Kiva loans will enable VisionFund to help more people develop micro-enterprises and small businesses, promote job creation and improve living conditions overall.
Kiva’s first full-tuition student loans: Looking at both sides of the coin →NEXT ARTICLE
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