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New Field Partner: Tuba Rai Metin reaches post-conflict communities in East Timor

June 4, 2012

Join us in welcoming our newest Field Partner, Tuba Rai Metin, to the Kiva family!

Located in the small and newly-independent country of East Timor, Tuba Rai Metin (TRM) is working to build a bright future by empowering women through microfinance. Following decades of struggle and conflict to win independence from Indonesia, East Timor remains severely underdeveloped, with 41% of the population living below the poverty line and 70% making less than USD$2.50 a day.

Tuba Rai Metin aptly translates to "stand firmly on the ground," a fitting name given its history providing financial products to the poor and rural populations of this Southeast Asia despite many challenges. Surviving two consecutive civil wars in 2006 and 2007 that wiped out 13 other microfinance institutions, TRM offers stable banking to a post-conflict population in dire need of resources and consistency.

With 11 branches and two field offices, TRM has extended access to credit, micro-insurance and savings to over 7,000 women. Our partnership will help the institution expand into remote regions through branchless banking options, offer training programs, and provide flexible loan terms for farmers who can only make repayments after their harvests.

Supported by BASIX India and UNCDF, and recognized for its reporting on social performance indicators by MIX market, Tuba Rai Metin is the ideal organization to bring new opportunities to the East Timorese.

Have questions? Send them our way at blog@kiva.org.

photos courtesy of UN and TRM