Microfinance USA 2011 Conference - May 23-24, New York City
Join us in May for this great event! Kiva is proud to be co-presenting this year's conference with ACCION USA and Opportunity Fund. Early bird registration discount ends Friday 3/18!
Are you interested in local economic development? Are you passionate about being part of the growing microfinance movement in the U.S. - and interested in learning from industry experts about the impact you can make? If so, this conference is not to be missed. Microfinance USA provides a unique setting for networking and learning from the industry's top practitioners, funders, and researchers.
Topics that will be discussed at this year's conference include:
• Understanding the Underbanked Consumer and the Future of Financial Services.
• Microfinance: Fair Profits or Plunder?
• Promise and Peril of Microfinance Impact Evaluations
Over two days, you can:
• Network with leading practitioners and researchers in the U.S. microfinance field
• Attend plenary sessions and panels led by the nation's leading microfinance voices.
• Deepen your understanding of the challenges facing Microfinance Institutions through case-study analysis.
• Experience microfinance first-hand by touring local microenterprises in New York.
• Debate current microfinance topics during small group sessions and networking dinners.
• Regular Price: $275
• Microfinance Professional/Representative of Company, Foundation or Organization: $350
• Student Price: $75
We hope to see you there!
For More Information email us or visit: http://www.microfinanceusaconference.org/home/
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