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February 25, 2009

For those of us who heard all about the Kiva API but didn't quite understand exactly what all the fuss was about, here's a FANTASTIC example of what the Kiva API can be used for:

Kivaworld is a cool way to see the most recent Kiva loan activity, on a world map. You can see all of the current fundraising loans, or the 100 most recent loans Funded, Paid or In repayment.

Check it out here.

KivaWorld was created by Wonsys, an organization "born from the passion of a group of friends" whose "goal is to build applications which are effective and easy to use." You can check out their blog here.

This is a great use of the Kiva API, and as we come across more we'll be adding them to the Kiva blog so you can check them out!