Kiva Zip has now made loans in 35 states throughout America! And our next big launch will be in Portland, Oregon NEXT THURSDAY. We’re teaming up with Oregon’s First Lady Cylvia Hayes to roll out Kiva Zip as part of the state’s Prosperity Initiative, and we're so excited to have her support!
We’ll be celebrating the launch next Thursday afternoon, and if you're a Kiva Zip lender in Oregon, we would love for you to be there! Here are the details:
Date: Thursday, June 27
Time: 3:30 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Location: Portland Lutheran School, 740 SE 182nd Ave, Portland, OR 97233
Afterward, we’ll head to Tom’s Pizza Place in Rockwood for an informal meet-and-greet with lenders, borrowers, trustees and Kiva fans.
We’re hoping to have over a dozen trustees and 20 borrowers in attendance, and we’d love to have as many lenders there as possible. So if you can, come show your support and get inspired by the passion and tenacity of the hard-working Oregonian entrepreneurs and small business owners that we’re serving with the Kiva Zip program.
To view a list of all currently fundraising Oregon entrepreneurs, click here.
And if you want more details on the event, don’t hesitate to email us at
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