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Kiva Lenders: Steps to Empowerment

December 24, 2009

By: Kimia

By Kimia Raafat, KF9 Ecuador

With the holiday season upon us and Kiva Gift Certificates flowin like Cristal and Dom Perignon in a Diddy rap video, I figured it would be a good time to review with lenders (both old and new), the process of a Kiva Loan. Here is a link to the video me and my best friend, Emily Enberg made for the Tongal/Kiva Video Contest… Happy Holidays!


Kimia Raafat is a Kiva Fellow (KF9) at a new Kiva partner, D-MIRO in Guayaquil, Ecuador. If you would like to know more about D-MIRO please visit the Partner page or Lend!


By: Kimia