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Kiva Lenders Host Matt Flannery in Paris this week!

December 1, 2010

This Wednesday evening, Kiva supporters in France will be hosting a belated 5th birthday celebration in Paris - and all are welcome! Kiva's CEO, Matt Flannery, will be present along with Kiva Fellows Alumni and local social entrepreneurs.

The event will begin at 7:30 PM at Faber Novel. So, if you're in Paris this week and able to atttend, please RSVP via Facebook here!

For questions about this event, please contact Skylar.

The very next day (Thursday, December 9th) Matt Flannery, will be joining Muhammad Yunus in a panel discussion for the Digital4Change event in Paris. This event, as part of Le Web 2010, will include discussion on the power of networks, open innovation, and the technological transformation of society. Also on the panel will be guests from Wikipedia, Mozilla, and One Laptop Per Child. This will be Matt's first public engagement with Muhammad Yunus!

The panel discussion is by invitation only, we have shared the Live Broadcast link below:

*Special thanks to Kiva en Francais and Danone for making it possible for Kiva to participate.