On Friday, we hosted the third in a series of webinars about how Kiva is diversifying its partnerships and loan products to reach more borrowers, and give lenders more choices. Check out the recording below.
Many of these new strategies are designed to expand opportunities for women. Since its founding, Kiva loans have helped hundreds of thousands of women build businesses, improve their homes, send their children to school and change their lives. Today, we're focused on partnering with organizations that do even more for women clients: offering health programs, literacy classes, skills training, counseling services, domestic violence support, childcare and more.
Last week's webinar focused on these partnerships and the stories of women who have benefited from both credit and additional services built into the microfinance model.
We're excited to be working with partners that maximize the impact of Kiva loans, and we want to give our lenders the opportunity to do the same. Our webinars are designed to educate our community about where their loan dollars go and what they can do in the world. They also give you, our lenders, the chance to connect with Kiva staff to ask questions and learn more.
Our next webinar will be in two weeks. Tune into our Facebook and Twitter channels for the date and time. It will focus on the four Social Performance badges we award to partners who offer unique and innovative loan products that do even more to help borrowers lift themselves out of poverty.
May 11 Webinar: Kiva's Focus on Women
Featuring JD Bergeron, Director of Social Performance
The webinar before this one focused on how Kiva is working with partners that extend opportunity to the world's poorest and most vulnerable borrowers. Watch the recording here.
Have questions? Send them our way at blog@kiva.org.
Update from the Field: Kiva’s new coffee partner and female empowerment in the Middle East →NEXT ARTICLE
Kiva releases 2011 Annual Report online! →