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getting there

October 28, 2009

By: szkiva

By Shereef Zaki, KF9, Perú

Cultural issues surrounding privacy can be one of Kiva’s biggest challenges regarding implementation in the field. Not everyone wants their photo publicized and many hold suspicions when it comes time to sign a waiver. But I think the biggest challenge for Kiva is far more prosaic. The act of getting to a borrower can be an ordeal in and of itself, and things just got more ‘adventurous’ at my MFI.

EDPYME Alternativa has created a new loan product – called Capital Semilla or Seed Capital – destined specifically for clients who will become Kiva borrowers. Loans of $300 or less at a low interest rate are now offered to rural entrepreneurs. Finding them for the interview generally involves a unique combination of collective vans, collective taxis, mototaxis and walking aimlessly through fields – for hours.

And the journeys take us through landscapes that are beautiful whether through unforgivingly desolate desert or knee high cornfields with palm and locust trees spotting the hazy windless horizons.

For your viewing pleasure I have chronicled one day’s worth of transportation that Manuel (the Kiva Assistant) and I embarked on in order to find just 4 borrowers.

Photos after the jump… 01 to morrope (yes that is an open bucket filled with fish) 02 from morrope to san sebastian 03 Maria Alejandrina Sandoval found! 04 from san sebastian to la jolleria 05 the borrower was working so we went back to morrope in mototaxi 06 bumpy ride, much dust 07 from morrope to lambayeque by combi 08 from lambayeque to tucume 09 a very full ride from lambayeque to tucume 10 from tucume to el tabacal 11 wander in the fields looking for the borrower 12 Jorge Alberto Damian has been found! 13 from el tabacal back to tucume 14 from tucume to lambayeque 15 the fourth and final borrower Rosa Sequen Cuican


Shereef Zaki is serving as a Kiva Fellow working with the new field partner EDPYME Alternativa in Chiclayo, Perú

To view currently fundraising loans from EA click here

To become a member of the “Friends of EDPYME Alternativa” lending team click here


By: szkiva