From KF6 Training in San Francisco: a practice blog
September 18, 2008Everyone is this is room is an experienced traveler. Collectively, we’ve ventured to the farthest corners of the globe. Most have spent time in the developing world. Yet, the excitement level is off the charts as we prepare for our adventures. I’m humbled by the extraordinary company I find myself so privileged to among. The learning challenge surpasses my expectations; there’s so much to learn! This the type of volunteer challenge I’ve been seeking. One that satisfies a profound social mission while providing a meaningful life expereince and a rare opportunity to get under the skin of an entirely different culture. Like any adventure, I have goals but little concept of what to expect. Things will unfold as they will. But I must say that JD (our exceptionally talented trainer) and team are doing an amazing job turning us from civilians to capable Kiva Fellows — these guys are he real deal! What an impressive organization!
I’ll be traveling to Uganda on October 1 to work BRAC. My excitement is tempered only by stress caused by the long list of things I still need to get done before leaving for 3 months. It seems every item I cross off my list of things to do, 2 or 3 new ones are added. It’s endless! Visa’s, vaccinations, lodging, research, PA2 practice, waterproof ziplock bags, extra batteries, etc – ugh!
I hope I will be a great Fellow. I hope I will advance the ball, if just a bit, in the war against poverty. I hope I will return a better man – wiser, more humble and compassionate and with greater clarify as to my purpose and priorities. And I hope I can find a job quickly in January!
In haste. My next blog entry will come from Uganda, sometime in the first half of October. I’m tryinig to imagine what that will be like ….