By Anna Cleal, KF10, Community Economic Ventures (CEVI), Philippines
Some people don’t like airports/train stations/bus stations but I do. I like those few moments in between where you’ve been, and where you are going. The fact you actually get a chance to reflect. I’m in a queue at the airport. Here are my thoughts.
Sometimes life rushes. Sometimes it goes so fast you don’t have time to check if you’re going in the right direction. Sometimes you see a slower, less comfortable mode of transport and assume it’s going in the wrong direction. Sometimes it’s not.
I guess this blog isn’t specifically Kiva related, but more of an ultimatum, to each and every one of you, to the world as a whole. Let’s stop every once in a while. Let’s reflect. Let’s allow time to consider what is important. Which way we want our world to go.
The thing I like the most about Kiva is that the essence of it has nothing to do with money. To me it is more about connecting people in different parts of the world. It’s the realisation that the fundamental values of human beings are all the same. It’s the fact that someone from New Zealand can care about someone in the Philippines; that someone from New York wants to help people in Mongolia; and that someone from Canada can care about someone living in Rwanda. It shows that a small operation based in San Francisco cares about the world. Let’s keep caring. And let’s keep making sure that we’re moving in the right direction.
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