Beverly is a native of the San Francisco Bay Area and has spent the last four years enjoying the bicoastal life as she studied International Relations in her undergraduate program at Boston University. Upon graduation, she interned with the marketing and development team at Asia Society Northern California where she had the opportunity to engage with experts and leaders in the fields of Asian arts and culture, business, policy, and sustainability. After spending a semester living in Shanghai, where she improved her Mandarin and worked for the American Chamber of Commerce, she is now eager to return to China to teach English to students in rural regions. Aside from exploring the world through books, art, stories, food, movies and travelling, she is also passionate about increasing global citizenship and excited to delve into the world of international development by joining Kiva’s marketing team. Currently, she is training for the San Francisco half marathon and can be found watching random TV shows and movies from Jeopardy to Netflix documentaries about gang wars in her free time.