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A view of lending from the field

January 13, 2010

By: Coambs

By Ed Coambs, KF9 Philippines, Negros Women for Tomorrow Foundation

A great entrepreneur!

A great entrepreneur!

By now you have probably had a chance to make a loan on Kiva.org and if not you are thinking about it. Either way you are probably thinking about how does the loan get made in the field. Well like you I wondered this until I became a Kiva Fellow. Now that I have spent 3 months in the field, I can honestly say I know how the lending process works.

Let me just say it is a lot hotter, and comes with shall I say a distinct smell that you will never get while clicking through Kiva.org at home or wherever you make your loans from.

I hope that you enjoy watching this short film I have put together to show what the lending process looks like from the field. After watching this short flick take a minute to check out Kiva.org and make a loan to one of the many great entrepreneurs out there.


If you want to take you lending to the next level, consider joining a lending team. Why not check out the Negros Women for Tomorrow Foundation lending team.


By: Coambs