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5 Facts to Test your Knowledge of South America

February 5, 2016

This is the first post in a geography quiz series that will feature Kiva borrowers, partners and fellows from a specific region. Answers to quiz questions can be found at the bottom of this post.

South America is a continent with 12 countries, 385 million people and 6.9 million square miles. Find out some cool facts - and get to know a couple Kiva borrowers along the way!

Meet Avelino, a Kiva borrower from Peru. Click here to read about his success.

Kiva’s lending team, Alpacas for Altruism, has contributed to nearly 1,440 loans!

Banco do Povo Crédito Solidario, a Kiva field partner in Brazil, provides more than 90% of their loans to women borrowers.

Can you identify this country’s flag?

Read this fellow’s first-hand account of “Kiva Magic”, the moment a borrower realizes their loan connects them to dozens across the world.

Can you identify this country?

ANSWERS: 1. Alaska 2. South America 3. Rio de Janeiro 4. Ecuador 5. Peru