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24th of September in San Salvador

December 31, 2012

Salvadorean people are strict Christians and their most important date in their calendar is Christmas Eve. They celebrate the Birth of baby Jesus. They live this day quite similar to American people: meeting the whole family and sharing together.

This is how 24th December was:


Wake up! Don´t ask me why we get up so early, I don´t understand it yet.


We killed 2 hens, we plucked them and quartered them, with all the preparation they need.

Captura de pantalla 2012-12-25 a la(s) 19.39.14


Go to the bank to withdraw the present our brothers & sisters that live in USA has made us in form of remittances. Long queue and slow employees. We wait for an hour.



Go to the market with mami Valentina to buy the last things me need to prepare the dinner. It is crazy how busy was the market!

Captura de pantalla 2012-12-25 a la(s) 19.41.11


Come back home alone because I lost my mami in the market. We continue preparing the hens.

Captura de pantalla 2012-12-25 a la(s) 19.50.07


We eat eggs with frijoles.


My sister Marcia prepares Honduran Torrejas and sanwiches.

Captura de pantalla 2012-12-25 a la(s) 20.11.19


Everything is ready. Lets prepare and stay with friends and family around the area.


Papa Chente, mami Valentina, hermana Marcia and me have dinner together. The menu is roast chicken with thin corn Salvadorean pancakes and pineapple juice.



Family members begin to arrive. We talk, dance, laugh, chat, hug…altogether!



We go to buy fireworks and start exploding them.

Captura de pantalla 2012-12-25 a la(s) 20.04.49


We hug every single relative and friend, we wish them merry Christmas and continue exploding fireworks!

Captura de pantalla 2012-12-25 a la(s) 20.02.31


We go to bed after good dances of Cumbia, bachata (my favourite one) merengue, salsa…I get lost with dance names and I don´t distinguish them very well.

Captura de pantalla 2012-12-25 a la(s) 20.14.24


Merry Christmas and happy 2013!