A loan helped to buy 3,000 kg paddy to store, 30 small solar panels, 40 torches, 50 padlocks, 25 radios for resale.

Martine's story

Martine is a woman in a common-law relationship. She is 45 years old. She is the mother of three children. The family owns a brick house in a pretty remote area of ​​the city center.

Martine is a paddy collector and also has a stand selling various goods at the city market.
To support her business, she decides to take out a new loan from Vahatra. She has been a partner of Vahatra for a few years. With the earnings from her previous loan she was able to buy a cow.

WIth this new loan she will buy 3,000 kg of paddy to store and resell in a few months and 30 small solar panels, 40 torches, 50 padlocks, 25 radios to resell at her business. And with this loan her family benefits from health insurance.
With her earnings she will strengthen her financial capital.

Translated from French.

This loan is special because:

It helps the poorest of the poor in Madagascar to improve their lives.

Loan details

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Loan details