A loan helped to buy a heifer to increase her inventory of cattle, as well as to buy corn, soft cheese, and other supplies for her pupusa business.

Reina De La Paz's story

Reina lives with her partner and her 17-year-old child. For the past nine months, she has been raising cattle. She learned this business with help from her husband and they currently work together in this activity. Reina also sells pupusas.

She is requesting a loan to strengthen her businesses. Reina will buy a heifer to increase her inventory. She will also buy corn, soft cheese, and other supplies for making and selling pupusas. This investment will have a direct benefit since her only goal is to restock the inventory of her businesses so that she can generate more income.

Her dreams are to support her child until he becomes a professional and to position herself with her business.

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Ronan Reodica.

This loan is special because:

It helps smallholder farmers to increase productivity and provide for their families.

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