A loan helped to purchase ingredients for her homemade specialty foods and drinks in bulk.

Memunatu's story

Memunatu is a 24-year-old entrepreneur who lives with her parents and siblings in the Bole district of Ghana. She runs a successful business selling homemade doughnuts, porridge and local drinks. With her previous Kiva loans, she was able to launch and sustain her first business, a clothing shop. She used the profit from selling clothes to launch a business selling local, homemade foods and drinks.

She is requesting an additional Kiva loan to purchase ingredients for her homemade specialty foods and drinks in bulk. Having ingredients in bulk will allow her to increase her productivity and her profits. She plans to use the profit she earns to continue supporting her family's daily needs and to pay her school fees.

She will repay the ‘social interest’ on her loan by volunteering two and a half hours per week as a CAMFED Transition Guide mentoring younger members through a range of personal and entrepreneurial issues.

Memunatu's dream is to further her education.

This loan is special because:

It helps borrowers withstand negative economic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details